death by diaryland
back to packing
2004-01-03 | 12:34 p.m.
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Well I am packing my stuff up now. Well not exactly right now because I am sitting here typing this arent I? But before the afternoon is over I will all packed up and heading back to Greenville. I am not filled with woe like I was when I first decided that this was the time to go back but this is not happy typing. I really could wait. It is only an hour and a half drive and class doesnt start til Friday. I could go back on Thursday. But I havent been there for a while and I know myself. I need to adjust to the sounds of that place. I need my alarm clock and few days to cure myself of my newly nocturnal ways. I need to get settled so I start off on solid footing. I need to go back today.

And this was started at 12:34. That good luck minute frozen by my need to write. Read this and have some good luck too. I am sure we all need it. Back to packing.

Mental State- glum
Random Wordage- comforts here and there stretch me til i scream

go back | stay here | go ahead